
The Nominations

  1. Morgan Helsom
  2. Taylor Herrick
  3. Katelyn Hutchings
  4. Donna Huynh.

And the winner is……

Most Courageous Award – Morgan Helsom’s “Step by Step My Travels through HTM” blog.

I thought Morgan showed the most courage because she described what she had learned from the leaders that she met and she also posted a lot of pictures about her college life.  I felt like I got the most personalized writing out of her blog.


Most Coherence Award– Donna Huynh’s “Team Work makes Dream Work” blog

I loved the first post Donna wrote which was about her leadership and her understandings about leadership and team work. Her blog theme is related to her posts and I believe Donna has the voice of a blogger.


Most Crafty Award – Katelyn Hutchings’ “Leadership: Doing the Right Things When No One is Watching” blog

I picked Katelyn’ as the most visually appealing and creative.The images that she used in her post always attract my eyeballs. They are colorful and matched her style.


Most Clever Award – Taylor Herrick’s “Taylor Herrick Work Hard & Stay Positive” blog

I chose Tayloy’s blog for this award because each of his post brings a sort of clever humor and draws you in to read. She expressed herself born with a “glass of half full” attitude that interested me to keep reading her blog.



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